Cerita saya ini sangat panjang tapi saya berharap pembaca bersedia untuk membaca kisah yang saya ingin berkongsi ini. Cerita yang kita semua perlu memberi lebih perhatian kepada sama ada suami atau isteri. Sebab walaupun satu daripada kita, ada bahaya di mana-mana. Bahaya yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh mata kasar.
Cerita di sini. Minggu kedua saya telah sibuk menguruskan ibu yang mengalami sejenis penyakit kulit yang dikenali sebagai Kayap. Rawatan hospital adalah mampu untuk menyembuhkan penyakit dalam perkara-perkara luar. Tetapi kesakitan dalaman kekal begitu jika sesiapa mendalam menggoreng ikan di dapur, Mama akan boleh bergolek di sekeliling sakit walaupun Kayap hanya bekas sahaja.
Kerana keadaan seperti ibu, saudara dan saudari kami bersetuju untuk membawa ibu bertemu seorang guru yang mahir dalam perubatan alternatif. Maklumat yang kita peroleh, ianya amat sukar untuk membuat temujanji dengan guru kerana bilangan pesakit yang banyak setiap hari.
Cerita panjang pendek, kami akhirnya berjaya membuat urusan dengan Allah. Kita harus kira-kira jam 8,30 yang malam tetapi kita hanya dapat putaran sekitar 12 pm. Dalam tempoh menunggu, kita melihat pelbagai jenis penyakit yang dibantu oleh guru-guru kerana hak rawatan di ruang tamu rumah.
* Rawatan dilakukan secara percuma. Jika anda mahu hanya satu amal tulen.
Setelah ibu saya mendapat rawatan, guru meminta kami untuk membawa ibu untuk berjumpa dengannya beberapa kali kerana terdapat beberapa prosedur penyelenggaraan perlu diambil. Demi Kesihatan ibu, kami bersedia untuk datang lagi dan lagi dan tunggu di lama sebelum tiba giliran kami.
Jika ia adalah hati, memang rasa letih menunggu. Walau bagaimanapun, rupa-rupanya di belakang yang letih bahawa ada sesuatu yang Tuhan mahu menunjukkan kepada kita semua.
Bagi pembaca yang disayangi, bayangkan dalam beberapa hari kami ibu tercongok menunggu giliran, kita melihat terlalu banyak kes-kes sakit yang melibatkan Tempahan ajaib dan sihir untuk menghancurkan rumah-rumah rakyat berbanding dengan sihir-sihir seperti sihir dan lain-lain perniagaan.
Selama beberapa hari di rumah guru saya melihat dengan mata saya sendiri kepala manusia ketamakan dan kejahatan terlalu banyak sekarang. Memberi tumpuan kepada air mata saya melihat kesakitan-yang sakit.
Ada seorang suami yang telah memukul straddle beras di negara-negara jiran. Kesan beras straddle dibawa pulang ke rumah dan mengalahkan pada isterinya di rumah. Badan-badan kanak-kanak yang masih kecil habis gatal-gatal dan pendarahan kerana berhenti digaru. Kurus isteri melakukan pembersihan, mayat di tusuk. Tetapi Bilakah mengamuk, sasa 4 lengkap runtuh dengan tepis sekali sahaja yang.
Menurut USTAZ, jiran-jiran wanita yang merentangi nasi sangat sedaya upaya mahukan suami yang seolah-olah 'adalah'. Kemudian sihir yang dihantar melalui suaminya Allahyarham berusaha memusnahkan keluarga supaya dia dapat seorang lelaki yang semula jadi. Nasib baik, suami cepat sedar dan cuba untuk menyembuhkan kembali isteri dan anak-anak mereka.
Saya juga tidak melihat seorang wanita yang menggunakan kerjaya yang sangat berjaya. Beliau diiringi suami dan keluarganya yang lain. Suami seolah-olah sangat tenang. Tetapi si seolah-olah menahan kesakitan isteri sakit.
Apabila melihat sesi rawatan, bahawa kita memahami. Wanita juga cuba untuk merampas suaminya Allahyarham, tetapi suami tidak melayan. sihir kemudian dihantar untuk menghancurkan isteri tidak bersalah.
Satu haritu, yang lumpuh dan kelihatan sangat uzur dipapah masuk kepada guru. Menurut maklumat yang saya dengar, orang telah ditolak oleh perubatan kerana gagal untuk mencari apa-apa penyakit. Jadi, ahli-ahli keluarga yang akhirnya bersetuju untuk membawa dia bertemu dengan guru-guru.
Selepas sedikit cuba untuk menjaga beliau seperti hari ini, UST orang tersebut mendapat sakit kerana 'dikawal'. Tetapi guru-guru gagal untuk mencari di mana kawasan terkawal.
Selepas beberapa cuba dan dibantu oleh beberapa USTAZ lain, kemudian mereka akan mencari jawapannya. Kawalan 'Kejahatan' adalah isteri kepada badan pesakit seolah-olah berkembang. Sasaran sebenar adalah suami tetapi ahli sihir jahat telah dihantar kepada isterinya.
Dalam keadaan sedar tidak sedarkan diri, isteri sendiri racun suami anda setiap hari. Akhirnya mereka telah dapat mengenal pasti bahawa keajaiban yang Dikirim oleh seorang sahabat baik isteri cemburu melihat kebahagiaan keluarga mereka.
Banyak situasi lain yang saya menonton. Terdapat juga sihir yang dihantar oleh seorang wanita yang mempunyai suami seorang wanita kerana suami seorang wanita berminat dalam soalan. Sebagai hasilnya, milik seorang wanita, benci terlolong-lolong seperti suami, supaya setengah-gila dan sebagainya.
Terdapat juga kes melibatkan pelajar perempuan umur lebih daripada 15 tahun adalah sangat cantik dan rakyat mula warga negara asing yang berumur 18 tahun. Akibatnya gadis berkenaan kira-kira setengah gila. Babbling, menyanyi, bercakap semua dalam cussing Maki-hamun sahaja sesuka hati semata-mata, dan sebagainya.
Menurut ibu, anak gadisnya itu lewat bahawa sikap malu selepas menerima beberapa sangat pelik mengarahkan WhatsApp beliau.
Tempahan menyedihkan, pihak polis tentang kedua-dua berkahwin. Isteri pertama dan isteri kedua kepada penduduk tempatan dan warga asing. Sekiranya ada pertikaian, setiap tidak mahu berputus asa.
Menurut wanita itu, "jika saya tidak boleh, maka anda tidak akan mampu."
38 kaedah yang digunakan untuk santau sendiri suami kepada polis berkaitan muntah darah, kaca dan sebagainya. Beberapa hari kemudian, pegawai polis berkenaan meninggal dunia.
Kisah-kisah lain yang saya dapat untuk 2-minggu shuttling guru di rumah. Tapi cukup setakat yang saya boleh berkongsi.
Hanya pesanan UST untuk pesakit:
-Perlu berhati-hati apabila makan. Makan pemberian orang kerana mereka.
– Jangan tidak untuk harapan untuk seorang perempuan atau lelaki lain jika kita sudah mempunyai keluarga. Niat kami adalah cenderung untuk mempunyai masa yang baik tetapi apabila satu pihak, mereka akan membalas dendam untuk menyakiti anda suami/isteri dan anak-anak.
Wanita dan kanak-kanak lebih mudah terjejas oleh sihir kerana sifat mereka. Jadi, suami harus lebih berhati-hati kerana berfoya-foya di luar sehingga kerosakan rumah, isteri dan anak-anak di rumah sama seperti kes beras straddle sekarang.
-Ramai wanita yang sudah putus asa kerana ingin berjaya. Sebelah isteri saya, jangan bawa balik sesiapa sahaja yang mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi 'musuh' utama. Suami, Jangan sekali-kali sampai ' virus'di keluar. Kerana Tempahan ajaib berlaku daripada orang-orang yang kita tahu ada di sekeliling kita.
Berlegar-legar diri kita dengan Tuhan. Tidak tinggal sembahyang dan terpaksa menghafal tertentu sebagai pendinding surah-Surah Quran seperti dalam surah Al-Mu'awwadzatain. Jadi sama-samalah kita berdoa smeoga diri anda dan keluarga anda dilindungi dari dunia, syurga.
Maaf, ini adalah terlalu panjang coretan seorang. Maaf juga kerana saya tidak bersedia untuk berkongsi maklumat mengenai guru-guru kerana dia tidak membawa apa-apa kebenaran.
* negara jiran saya Daftar ini perkongsian yang melibatkan beberapa buah negara.
The "Experts" Are Getting Crypto All Wrong
Bitcoin peaked about a month ago, on December 17, at a high of nearly $20,000. As I write, the cryptocurrency is under $11,000... a loss of about 45%. That's more than $150 billion in lost market cap. See more.Cue much hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth in the crypto-commentariat. It's neck-and-neck, but I think the "I-told-you-so" crowd has the edge over the "excuse-makers."
Here's the thing: Unless you just lost your shirt on bitcoin, this doesn't matter at all. And chances are, the "experts" you may see in the press aren't telling you why.
In fact, bitcoin's crash is wonderful... because it means we can all just stop thinking about cryptocurrencies altogether.
The Death of Bitcoin...
In a year or so, people won't be talking about bitcoin in the line at the grocery store or on the bus, as they are now. Here's why.
Bitcoin is the product of justified frustration. Its designer explicitly said the cryptocurrency was a reaction to government abuse of fiat currencies like the dollar or euro. It was supposed to provide an independent, peer-to-peer payment system based on a virtual currency that couldn't be debased, since there was a finite number of them.
That dream has long since been jettisoned in favor of raw speculation. Ironically, most people care about bitcoin because it seems like an easy way to get more fiat currency! They don't own it because they want to buy pizzas or gas with it.
Besides being a terrible way to transact electronically - it's agonizingly slow - bitcoin's success as a speculative play has made it useless as a currency. Why would anyone spend it if it's appreciating so fast? Who would accept one when it's depreciating rapidly?
Bitcoin is also a major source of pollution. It takes 351 kilowatt-hours of electricity just to process one transaction - which also releases 172 kilograms of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That's enough to power one U.S. household for a year. The energy consumed by all bitcoin mining to date could power almost 4 million U.S. households for a year.
Paradoxically, bitcoin's success as an old-fashioned speculative play - not its envisaged libertarian uses - has attracted government crackdown.
China, South Korea, Germany, Switzerland and France have implemented, or are considering, bans or limitations on bitcoin trading. Several intergovernmental organizations have called for concerted action to rein in the obvious bubble. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which once seemed likely to approve bitcoin-based financial derivatives, now seems hesitant.
And according to Investing.com: "The European Union is implementing stricter rules to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing on virtual currency platforms. It's also looking into limits on cryptocurrency trading."
We may see a functional, widely accepted cryptocurrency someday, but it won't be bitcoin.
... But a Boost for Crypto Assets
Good. Getting over bitcoin allows us to see where the real value of crypto assets lies. Here's how.
To use the New York subway system, you need tokens. You can't use them to buy anything else... although you could sell them to someone who wanted to use the subway more than you.
In fact, if subway tokens were in limited supply, a lively market for them might spring up. They might even trade for a lot more than they originally cost. It all depends on how much people want to use the subway.
That, in a nutshell, is the scenario for the most promising "cryptocurrencies" other than bitcoin. They're not money, they're tokens - "crypto-tokens," if you will. They aren't used as general currency. They are only good within the platform for which they were designed.
If those platforms deliver valuable services, people will want those crypto-tokens, and that will determine their price. In other words, crypto-tokens will have value to the extent that people value the things you can get for them from their associated platform.
That will make them real assets, with intrinsic value - because they can be used to obtain something that people value. That means you can reliably expect a stream of revenue or services from owning such crypto-tokens. Critically, you can measure that stream of future returns against the price of the crypto-token, just as we do when we calculate the price/earnings ratio (P/E) of a stock.
Bitcoin, by contrast, has no intrinsic value. It only has a price - the price set by supply and demand. It can't produce future streams of revenue, and you can't measure anything like a P/E ratio for it.
One day it will be worthless because it doesn't get you anything real.
Ether and Other Crypto Assets Are the Future
The crypto-token ether sure seems like a currency. It's traded on cryptocurrency exchanges under the code ETH. Its symbol is the Greek uppercase Xi character. It's mined in a similar (but less energy-intensive) process to bitcoin.
But ether isn't a currency. Its designers describe it as "a fuel for operating the distributed application platform Ethereum. It is a form of payment made by the clients of the platform to the machines executing the requested operations."
Ether tokens get you access to one of the world's most sophisticated distributed computational networks. It's so promising that big companies are falling all over each other to develop practical, real-world uses for it.
Because most people who trade it don't really understand or care about its true purpose, the price of ether has bubbled and frothed like bitcoin in recent weeks.
But eventually, ether will revert to a stable price based on the demand for the computational services it can "buy" for people. That price will represent real value that can be priced into the future. There'll be a futures market for it, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), because everyone will have a way to assess its underlying value over time. Just as we do with stocks.
What will that value be? I have no idea. But I know it will be a lot more than bitcoin.
My advice: Get rid of your bitcoin, and buy ether at the next dip. Hide this content.
Here's the thing: Unless you just lost your shirt on bitcoin, this doesn't matter at all. And chances are, the "experts" you may see in the press aren't telling you why.
In fact, bitcoin's crash is wonderful... because it means we can all just stop thinking about cryptocurrencies altogether.
The Death of Bitcoin...
In a year or so, people won't be talking about bitcoin in the line at the grocery store or on the bus, as they are now. Here's why.
Bitcoin is the product of justified frustration. Its designer explicitly said the cryptocurrency was a reaction to government abuse of fiat currencies like the dollar or euro. It was supposed to provide an independent, peer-to-peer payment system based on a virtual currency that couldn't be debased, since there was a finite number of them.
That dream has long since been jettisoned in favor of raw speculation. Ironically, most people care about bitcoin because it seems like an easy way to get more fiat currency! They don't own it because they want to buy pizzas or gas with it.
Besides being a terrible way to transact electronically - it's agonizingly slow - bitcoin's success as a speculative play has made it useless as a currency. Why would anyone spend it if it's appreciating so fast? Who would accept one when it's depreciating rapidly?
Bitcoin is also a major source of pollution. It takes 351 kilowatt-hours of electricity just to process one transaction - which also releases 172 kilograms of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That's enough to power one U.S. household for a year. The energy consumed by all bitcoin mining to date could power almost 4 million U.S. households for a year.
Paradoxically, bitcoin's success as an old-fashioned speculative play - not its envisaged libertarian uses - has attracted government crackdown.
China, South Korea, Germany, Switzerland and France have implemented, or are considering, bans or limitations on bitcoin trading. Several intergovernmental organizations have called for concerted action to rein in the obvious bubble. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which once seemed likely to approve bitcoin-based financial derivatives, now seems hesitant.
And according to Investing.com: "The European Union is implementing stricter rules to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing on virtual currency platforms. It's also looking into limits on cryptocurrency trading."
We may see a functional, widely accepted cryptocurrency someday, but it won't be bitcoin.
... But a Boost for Crypto Assets
Good. Getting over bitcoin allows us to see where the real value of crypto assets lies. Here's how.
To use the New York subway system, you need tokens. You can't use them to buy anything else... although you could sell them to someone who wanted to use the subway more than you.
In fact, if subway tokens were in limited supply, a lively market for them might spring up. They might even trade for a lot more than they originally cost. It all depends on how much people want to use the subway.
That, in a nutshell, is the scenario for the most promising "cryptocurrencies" other than bitcoin. They're not money, they're tokens - "crypto-tokens," if you will. They aren't used as general currency. They are only good within the platform for which they were designed.
If those platforms deliver valuable services, people will want those crypto-tokens, and that will determine their price. In other words, crypto-tokens will have value to the extent that people value the things you can get for them from their associated platform.
That will make them real assets, with intrinsic value - because they can be used to obtain something that people value. That means you can reliably expect a stream of revenue or services from owning such crypto-tokens. Critically, you can measure that stream of future returns against the price of the crypto-token, just as we do when we calculate the price/earnings ratio (P/E) of a stock.
Bitcoin, by contrast, has no intrinsic value. It only has a price - the price set by supply and demand. It can't produce future streams of revenue, and you can't measure anything like a P/E ratio for it.
One day it will be worthless because it doesn't get you anything real.
Ether and Other Crypto Assets Are the Future
The crypto-token ether sure seems like a currency. It's traded on cryptocurrency exchanges under the code ETH. Its symbol is the Greek uppercase Xi character. It's mined in a similar (but less energy-intensive) process to bitcoin.
But ether isn't a currency. Its designers describe it as "a fuel for operating the distributed application platform Ethereum. It is a form of payment made by the clients of the platform to the machines executing the requested operations."
Ether tokens get you access to one of the world's most sophisticated distributed computational networks. It's so promising that big companies are falling all over each other to develop practical, real-world uses for it.
Because most people who trade it don't really understand or care about its true purpose, the price of ether has bubbled and frothed like bitcoin in recent weeks.
But eventually, ether will revert to a stable price based on the demand for the computational services it can "buy" for people. That price will represent real value that can be priced into the future. There'll be a futures market for it, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), because everyone will have a way to assess its underlying value over time. Just as we do with stocks.
What will that value be? I have no idea. But I know it will be a lot more than bitcoin.
My advice: Get rid of your bitcoin, and buy ether at the next dip. Hide this content.
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